Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Stradbally School: Our Story of the Fox And The Stork

The fox played a trick on the stork. Then the stork played a trick on the fox. This is how the story goes: The fox asked the stork to dinner, to play a trick on him. He gave the stork soup from a flat dish. He knew the stork could not drink from a flat dish. So the fox had all the soup while the stork tried and tried and tried again but could not get any with his long beak. The stork went home very angry and sad. 

The Fox Played A Trick
A few days later the stork decided it was time to get some revenge on the fox. So he asked the fox to dinner and gave him soup in a jug that was wide at the bottom and narrow at the top.  The fox could not get any soup because the top of the jug was too narrow  for his mouth. The fox went home in a bad mood.
Now, It's Not So Funny

The moral of the story is something that seems funny is not so funny when it happens to you.   Posted by BK, Junior Classes


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