Friday, June 10, 2011

3-d Cat

3-dimensional cat created using magnetic shapes
My cat has got no name,
We simply call him cat;
He doesn't seem to blame
Anyone for that.

For he is not like us
Who often, I'm afraid,
Kick up quite a fuss
If our names are mislaid.

As if, without a name,
We'd be no longer there
But like a tiny flame
Vanish in bright air.

My pet, he doesn't care
About such things as that:
Black buzz and golden stare
Require no name but Cat.

A poem by Vernon Scannel, typed by KF


  1. that cat is soooo cool!

  2. I love the pictures there cool.I love the dog.

  3. Love the cat and the poem.

  4. WOW!! well done Vernon - I can only assume that its your surname has made you such a great poet!!
    humbly yours - Rita Scannell


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