A reunion for parents, friends and past-pupils of our school is being planned. At present no definite date has been set but is likely to be during the summer of 2013. (July 6th has been used for registration purposes, but may change) . We have registered this reunion on the Gathering Ireland website.
You may access the details here.
Details are also available on Facebook here. Please like and share.
Details are available also on Twitter here. Follow for updates @stradballygirls
An organising group involving school, parent and community representatives will be set up shortly to plan and promote this event. Any ideas will be most welcome...please feel free to post your idea(s) using the comment feature below. You may do so anonymously if you wish. Alternatively, contact us by email on ourladyofmercyns@gmail or using the Facebook page above.
Note: Our School is officially named as Our Lady of Mercy National School. However, during the years prior to the departure of the Mercy Order nuns, the school was called the Convent School. It is still known by this name among many locals. Therefore, we have chosen to use "Stradbally Convent School Reunion" for the purposes of promoting this event.
Any ideas most welcome here...