Monday, December 6, 2010

Aesop's Fables

In Mrs. Crowley’s class they are reading Aesop’s Fables. Aesop was a slave in Greece long ago. He told stories which had a moral or a lesson to be learned.

Posted by E.R., Junior Classes

The Boy Who Cried Wolf
One day a young shepherd was minding his sheep. It was a bit boring. All he did was watch the forest and the sheep for the bold wolf. By then it was getting dark. He had a dog to round up the sheep. His work was finished. He made sure they were all in the pen. The next day he was so bored but he had a good plan. He let out the sheep. There was no wolf at all. Then he ran to the little town where he lived and shouted "Wolf! Wolf! It is eating some sheep. Help! Help!".
Liars Are Not Believed
The people in the town ran up the hill. When they got to the top all the sheep were playing in the field, but there was no wolf. The boy watched the people pant for breath. He thought it was very funny. The next day he did the same thing again. The next day he ran to the town and that time the wolf came and the boy had 12 sheep left because nobody came that time. So he never did it again. Still people did not trust him anymore.
Liars are not believed even when they speak the truth.

Posted by O.M., picture by BK, Junior Classes


  1. Really enjoyed reading this - the moral of the story is always to tell the truth.

  2. Nice story is it true

  3. Great story Well done! It was very interesting! :) Rachael

  4. great story and picture.well done.

  5. I love the picture and story.

  6. I love the picture and story.


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