Friday, November 30, 2012

Santa Goes to the Caribbean (from Stradbally)

This year we are doing our Christmas play ‘Santa goes to the Caribbean’. The play moves between the North Pole and the Caribbean island of Jamaica. We are practicing every day. It is interesting too to be practicing the Jamaican accent. The famous runner Usain Bolt is from Jamaica.

Cast of Characters:
Ambrose:   Amy
Cuckold:   Tara and Emily M
Evil Genius:   Hayley
Griselda:   Emily R and Tara
Marco:   Orna
Marigold:   Emily M and Savannah
Mary Anne:   Kellsey
Mischief:   Zoe and Beckie
Narrator:   Savannah, Natasha and Emily R
Pint Size:   Mr. de Búrca
Rudolf:   Sheena, Natasha
Santa:   Beckie, Zoe
Tingolaya:   Louise
Director of photography:   Sheena
Director of visual and sound effects:   Louise, Natasha and Savannah

Written by SMG, 6th class
illustration coming soon

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Our Lady of Mercy National School, Carrighilla, Stradbally, Waterford.
Website By: Deise Design